
We enjoy making films, we edit e-books and we develop medical apps


We enjoy making films, we write and edit e-books and we develop medical apps





Airway Triage App

Teaching Videos


    Or you can download PDF version here: A_problem_based_approach_to_awake_flexible_optical_intubation 

    © Copyright all materials on this site are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License  which permits use without alteration for non-commercial clinical or educational purposes with proper citation of the author & copyright holder of the original work. No derivative works.

    The Airway Triage App

    The airway assessment tool is designed for medical professionals. With two checklists the airway is triaged into basic or advanced. Complexity factors can be used to classify advanced airways into low or high complex. Available in the app stores.

    The Airway Triage App

    The airway assessment tool is designed for medical professionals. With two checklists the airway is triaged into basic or advanced. Complexity factors can be used to classify advanced airways into low or high complex. Available in the app stores.

    Airway Triage App user tips!

    This short video will give tips to help you start up with Airway Triage App. The first app for all health care professionals involved in airway management. Airway Assessment can be done with two validated checklists. An airway plan can be made and the app will advise if help is needed for the airway management procedure.

    The challenge is to pass on the expertise and the intuition of the few into the clinical practise of all.

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